Author Archives | meb2232

Verizon Drops Fees for Hurricane Sandy Victims

Verizon will wave fees for voice and text services for customers in Bronx County and other areas affected by Hurricane Sandy. Customers will not be billed for services between October 29 and November 16, Verizon announced this week. Verizon customers do not have do anything to receive this benefit.

Many Verizon users experienced poor service during and after the storm.

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Police Investigate Death of 5-Year-Old

University Heights police are investigating the death of a 5-year-old boy whose body was found after a 119 call reporting an emotionally disturbed person. DNA Info reports that Stewart Espinal was pronounced dead after being taken to Saint Barnabus Hospital.

Police have taken a 47-year-old man into custody as a suspect.

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Controversy Over Assisted Living Facility on City Island Continues

Developer Domenico Mignone has hired a lawyer to help push forward his project to build an assisted living facility on City Island. The Department of Buildings rejected plans for the 214-unit building in August, reports the Bronx Times. Some City Island residents argue that the project is too high in density.

Mignone is working to get a a variance from the city Board of Standards and Appeals.


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Edgewater Park Offers Aid to Breezy Point Despite Their Own Losses

Despite storm damage in their own community, residents of Edgewater Park in the Bronx organized relief efforts for Queens. NY1 reports that although Edgewater suffered from loss of power and property damage, the community is still sending aid to Breezy Point, where many people lost their homes entirely.

Firefighters helping to organize the effort say small waterfront communities share a “unique bond.”

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Demand Outstrips Supply at South Bronx Food Bank

The economic downturn has resulted in greater demand and few resources at the Manna of Life food bank in the South Bronx. NY City Lens reports that the the number of people who face food insecurity is rising, and often the food bank provides for people who can’t make ends meet yet don’t qualify for food stamps.

Manna of Life did not receive federal funding in 2012, forcing the organization to find alternative resources.


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Bronx Residents Happy to Have Subways Back in Commission

As limited subway service returns to parts of New York City, many Bronxites are particularly grateful to be able to return to their normal commute. NY1 reports that commuters are also happy to enjoy the free fare.

Heavy traffic congestion and inconsistent bus services have made mobility particularly difficult after the damage caused by Hurricane Sandy.


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DA Uses Ticket-Fixing Scandal in Spellman Trial

The Bronx District Attorney used the the ticket-fixing scandal to case doubt on a police officer’s testimony in the trial of former Det. Kevin Spellman. The Riverdale Press reports that the scandal was invoked to “pit cop against cop.”

Spellman could face up to 25 years in prison for vehicular homicide.

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Fordham Cleanup May Be Complete by Thursday

Sanitation crews in the Fordham area of the Bronx hope to be done clearing fallen trees by Thursday. WFUV reports that crews have been working 12 hour shifts since Tuesday to clear blocked roadways and sidewalks.

Fallen trees will be in part replaced through Mayor Bloomberg’s Million Trees NYC initiative.

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