Posted on 20 October 2022. Tags: ADA, Bronx, lawsuit, Mt. Eden, Pedestrian, The Bronx
New York City remains steadfast in its position that it did not violate Title II of the American Disabilities Act in the pedestrian pathway class action lawsuit filed by Disability Rights New York on behalf of Bronx residents Carlos and Stephanie Diaz. In its response to the lawsuit, the city stated the Diazes’ complaint of […]
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Posted in Bronx Life, Bronx Neighborhoods, Cars, Community Resources, Transportation
Posted on 27 September 2022. Tags: Bronx, Department of Transportation, Riverdale, traffic
Earlier this month, the Department of Transportation took Riverdale Avenue and put it “on a diet.” The project known as a “road diet” transformed the avenue from a two-lane traveling road to one. A bike lane and a turning bay were added to the road that stretches from West 254th to West 263rd Street. The […]
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Posted in Bronx Neighborhoods, Northwest Bronx, Transportation
Posted on 07 September 2022. Tags: activist, bus route, Gustavo Rivera, local activist, Public Safety, Riverdale, Ruth Mullen, The Bronx, traffic accident, traffic light
Dozens of people gathered Sunday afternoon in Riverdale to honor Ruth Mullen – a neighborhood activist who was killed by an MTA express bus while crossing the street outside her home on Johnson Avenue in early September of last year. Mullen, 68, was an activist in her community, and was a part of a local […]
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Posted in Bronx Life, Bronx Neighborhoods, Cars, Transportation
Posted on 10 October 2019. Tags: 47th, Pelham Bay Park Bronx, webster avenue, Woodlawn, Woodlawn Cemetery
One fall day, the Bronx Ink counted 26 18-wheelers, five abandoned vehicles, four RV’s, eight parked tow trucks, six cargo vans, five minivans, three double decker buses, two piles of at least six trash bags each, and one dead raccoon.
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Posted in Bronx Beats, Bronx Life, Bronx Neighborhoods, Bronx Tales, Cars, Crime, Featured, Multimedia, North Central Bronx, Photography, Police, The Bronx Beat, Transportation, Video
Posted on 13 October 2018.
The new MTA chief pledges to fast forward plans to make NYC subway stations accessible to the disabled. In the Bronx, a full 83 percent violate federal law. “We are one of the least accessible cities in the country,” Susan Dooha, disabled advocacy group director.
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Posted in Bronx Beats, Bronx Life, Community Resources, Featured, Money, North Central Bronx, Northwest Bronx, The Bronx Beat, Transportation
Posted on 20 September 2018.
Residents are adjusting to the new ferry in South Bronx, but some fear it may soon become overcrowded.
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Posted in Bronx Beats, Community Resources, Southern Bronx, Transportation
Posted on 01 November 2012.
Bronx residents have been hard hit by the lack of transportation in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.
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Posted in Bronx Neighborhoods, Transportation
Posted on 31 October 2012. Tags: City Island, Clason point, ConEdison, Harding Park, Hurricane Sandy, Instagram, local reactions, Ruben Diaz, social media, Soundview, Throggs Neck, Twitter, youtube
Bronx residents uploaded pictures, videos and personal reactions to Hurricane Sandy on social media.
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Posted in Bronx Life, Bronx Neighborhoods, Featured, Housing, Multimedia, Transportation