Featured Stories
The Future of Gifted Education in the Bronx Bronx acupuncture center for addiction fighting to survive How HIV outreach is tackling an “invisible crisis” in The Bronx Prescriptions lag as Bronx battles opioid epidemic

The Future of Gifted Education in the Bronx

A recommendation that Mayor Bill de Blasio phase out all New York City gifted programs has left the fate of gifted education in the Bronx uncertain. If implemented, the programs, which are comprised predominantly of black and Latino students, would come to an end.

Bronx acupuncture center for addiction fighting to survive

The Mott Haven Lincoln Recovery Center was once a popular therapeutic refuge for drug addicts, but where have the patients gone?

How HIV outreach is tackling an “invisible crisis” in The Bronx

While New York celebrates declining HIV rates, healthcare advocates in the Bronx narrow their focus to where services aren’t reaching people.

Prescriptions lag as Bronx battles opioid epidemic

Prescriptions of life-saving buprenorphine lag in the Bronx. A legacy of bureaucracy and stigma are to blame.

Halloween in Hunts Point

01 November 2011

Southern Boulevard in Hunts Point was packed with hyper little fairies, monsters and clowns yesterday as children held out bags to local businesses yelling “Trick-or-Treat!” with eager faces waiting to see which candy would drop in. Employees of local cell phone shops, clothing stores, and bodegas stood outside their stores’ entrances with large bags of […]

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Back in baked goods

31 October 2011

A bakery destroyed by fires two years ago makes its return to Norwood.

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Posted in Bronx Neighborhoods, Food, Money, North Central Bronx0 Comments

Occupy Bronx day two: Yankee Stadium just another bailout

27 October 2011

On its second day, Occupy the Bronx protesters directed their anger at the Yankee organization and local banks

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Posted in Bronx Beats, Northwest Bronx, Politics, The Bronx Beat1 Comment

Bronx Dominicans gear up for 2012 elections

26 October 2011

Bronx Dominicans will be able to elect overseas legislators as well as a president

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After midnight with the fishmongers

25 October 2011

The world's second largest seafood market still thriving after all these years and a move to the Bronx.

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Posted in Bronx Life, Featured, Food, Multimedia, Slideshows, Southern Bronx0 Comments

An uncertain future for Morrisania’s post office

24 October 2011

The Morrisania post office in the South Bronx may have to shut its doors along with 17 others in the Bronx.

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Posted in Bronx Neighborhoods, Featured, Money, Multimedia0 Comments

Tour de Bronx 2011

24 October 2011

Some 6,000 cyclists biked the Bronx on Oct. 23. Bike enthusiasts young and old took over the streets from Bronx County Courthouse to the Sheridan Expressway and Pelham Bay Park.

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Posted in Bronx Life, Culture, Featured1 Comment

Struggling to keep Soundview healthy

21 October 2011

Nutrition support from Soundview Health Center saved this Bronx grandmother's life. With the center under threat of closure, others might not be so lucky.

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Posted in Bronx Life, Bronx Neighborhoods, Bronx Tales, Health, Southern Bronx0 Comments

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