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UFT rejects bill that would end “last in, first out” policy

By Clara Martinez Turco

The United Federation of Teachers condemned a state Senate bill that would end the “last in, first out” policy, which requires that teachers be laid off by seniority.
“The proposed bill would send us back to the days before civil service protections, when people could be fired for being the wrong race or gender, too young or too old,” UFT President Michael Mulgrew said in a statement.

The legislation, introduced Wednesday by Long Island Senator John Flanagan, would allow the Department of Education to fire teachers who have received unsatisfactory ratings in the last five years, who have been convicted of minor crimes or those who have a long list of absences.

“Under its terms, people who were accused—but never found guilty—of misconduct would find themselves on the chopping block,” said Mulgrew in a statement. The bill also targets teachers whose students have low scores and those who have failed to fulfill the certification requirements.

“Meanwhile, principals who have targeted certain teachers without even seeing their work would have a new way to force out employees they just don’t like,” said Mulgrew citing the example of Iris Blige, principal of Bronx’s Fordham High School of the Arts. According a DOE report, between 2007 and 2009, Blige ordered her assistant principals to give unsatisfactory ratings to those teachers she dislike. The DOE imposed a fine of $7,500 against Blige but did not fire her.  Blige has denied any wrongdoing.

The Senate Education Committee is expected to discuss the bill on Tuesday.

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