Author Archives | mb3419

Bronx school aide arrested

Anthony Davis, a school aide at IS 98 in Melrose, was arrested for allegedly forcing a 15 year-old male student to sell marijuana for him. The aide allegedly threatened to hurt the student and his family if the teen did not comply, according to the NY Post.

Davis is charged with menacing, weapons possession, and acting in a manner to injure a child.

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For one Bronx family, the loss of a mother on 9/11 still resonates

For one Bronx family, the loss of a mother on 9/11 still resonates

By: Mehroz Baig

Posted in Bronx Neighborhoods, Former Featured, Multimedia, Video0 Comments

Council member Koppell shares his view on bin Laden’s death

Council member Oliver Koppell (District 11-D) responded to the death of Osama bin Laden today saying in a phone interview, “I think we are all glad that he’s no longer with us. This is a man who is both a terrible person and was a continuous threat because of the influence he has with Al-Qaeda and Islamic militants.”

Koppell added, “I think the fact is that it’s taken much too long [for Osama bin Laden to be captured or killed].” He also acknowledged his concern with the Pakistanis, noting their failure to capture bin Laden.

Koppell applauded the Obama administration and said, “it’s another indication of the leadership and the effectiveness of President Obama. Bush couldn’t do it in eight years and Obama has now done it in a little more than two.”

Koppell added, “hopefully this will help bring closure to this nightmare,” for families in the Bronx who lost loved ones in the September 11 attacks.

Council member Koppell represents District 11, which encompasses Kingsbridge, Riverdale, Woodlawn, Norwood, parts of Bedford Park, Wakefield and Bronx Park East.

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Bronx borough President congratulates Obama and Armed Forces

Bronx borough President, Ruben Diaz Jr. released a statement today congratulating the work of President Obama and the U.S. Armed Forces for Osama bin Laden’s death.

“I congratulate President Obama, the men and women of our armed forces, and all those who played a role in the successful mission that resulted in the death of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan. On September 11, 2001, thousands of New Yorkers, including many Bronxites, fell at the hands of a terrorist attack masterminded by Bin Laden, and for nearly ten years the families, friends and loved ones of those victims have had to live with the knowledge that the man who was responsible for so much loss in their lives walked the earth freely.

“The death of Osama Bin Laden represents a significant victory for our nation, and I hope that it helps to bring closure to those who lost so much on 9/11.”

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Congressman Serrano responds to Osama’s death

Congressman Jose Serrano issued a statement on his website today, acknowledging the closure brought to New Yorkers by Osama bin Laden’s death.
“With the end of Osama Bin Laden, we finally have a sense of closure about the 9/11 attacks that he organized and financed almost ten years ago. Our country has healed in that time, but the news that bin Laden is gone helps us to finally move beyond that painful memory.

“For too long Americans have wondered when bin Laden would be brought to justice. We believe in swift and fair justice in our nation, and to have a known mass killer living freely in another country did not sit well. Today, we know that the wait for justice is over. I especially hope that the end of bin Laden brings a sense of closure to the families who still grieve the loss of a loved one in the attacks.

“Many parts of our national life were upended by the attacks of 9/11. Some have forgotten that it was an election day in New York—and the election was suspended. Bin Laden had planned to disrupt all areas of our national strength; our financial, social and political structures. But he did not count on the resiliency and resolve of the American people.

“Time and again in the years since 9/11, we have shown that our nation is stronger than he thought, not just because of our military or economic might, but because of the fundamental decency and extraordinary goodness of the American people. That is our key asset and it cannot be broken, no matter what is thrown at us.”

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Senator Diaz responds to news of Osama bin Laden’s death

Senator Diaz issued the following statement on his website today:

“Like all Americans who watched President Obama announce the death of Osama Bin Laden, I feel a great sense of patriotism. I applaud President Obama and his Administration for putting an end to this painful chapter in our nation’s history. I also salute the men and women in our Armed Services who sacrifice their lives to protect and defend the United States of America.”

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[VIDEO] Cleaning the Bronx, one wall at a time

[VIDEO] Cleaning the Bronx, one wall at a time

By: Mehroz Baig and Aliza Moorji

Posted in Bronx Neighborhoods, Former Featured, Multimedia, Video0 Comments

National health survey coming to the Bronx

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are launching the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in 15 counties nationwide. The survey will pick 7,000 participants randomly, who will be asked to complete a survey. Those who qualify will also be asked to visit a mobile examination center, where doctors and lab technicians will conduct some tests and a dietary interview, according to the NY Daily News. Through June 26, 2011, 500 Bronxites will be asked to participate. While the Bronx ranked last in all New York counties for health, that was not the reason for its selection. Census data shows that the Bronx has a representative population.

The survey aims to map the country’s health and nutritional status.

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