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Site of fatal Bronx fire had multiple complaints, officials say

The Bronx building where a deadly fire broke out early yesterday had numerous complaints filed against it, including at least one for illegal subdivisions.

Investigators say Juan Lopez, 36, Christina Garcia, 43, and her son, Christian Garcia, 12, died after flames broke out in their apartment located at 2321 Prospect Avenue in Belmont.

The fire department is still investigating the cause, but says the fire doesn’t appear suspicious.

The Department of Buildings says complaints have been filed over the past few years for illegal conversions, a lack of secondary exits, and defective electrical wiring.

Con Edison says electricity to the building was cut off about a week ago.

“They were like furnished rooms. They had a couple of people. They shared kitchens, so I know they were pretty well stacked,” said Robert Cruz, a relative of one of the building’s residents. [NY1]

One Response to “Site of fatal Bronx fire had multiple complaints, officials say”

  1. avatar R Vido says:

    The home at 2321 Prospect Avenue has been in foreclosure for over three years, the owner walked away from this building 3 years ago, it takes 3-4 years to foreclose a building in NY. The courts deliberately stall the foreclosure process, the result is that with no one in charge drug dealers take over. The City is to blame for deliberately stalling the foreclosure process, had this building been foreclosed in 3-6 months same as in other states, new responsible owners would have been purchased this building. Shame on New York and its bureaucrats who blame everyone but themselves for their failures.


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