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Police find a Bronx source for spike in auto thefts

Police arrested six Bronx tow truck drivers on Tuesday in an alleged grand larceny scam that saw 16 cars sold for scrap to Bronx junkyard New England Auto Parts. The cars were sold for up to $500.  The suspects avoided earlier detection by police because they used false paperwork that exploited a loophole in DMV reporting rules for cars that are less than $1250 and eight years or older, according to the New York Post.

The report said that police did become aware of an increase in grand larceny auto thefts in the borough, which prompted them to investigate.

2 Responses to “Police find a Bronx source for spike in auto thefts”

  1. avatar Kim says:

    And the name of the tow company is….. ?

  2. avatar Camilo Smith says:

    According to reports the suspects were independent tow truck operators. –CHS


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