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Pelham Bay landfill lawsuit set for court, The Bronx Times

A lawsuit against the Pelham Bay Landfill by families who claim their children developed cancer because of it, got the okay to fight their case in a court, reports The Bronx Times.

The landfill was shut down in 1979, however many continue to claim that contaminated air, soil and groundwater caused leukemia or Hodgkin’s disease in their children.

The First Department Appellate Division ruled that there is enough evidence for a jury to determine if toxic chemicals have caused cancer in children. No court date has been set yet.

One Response to “Pelham Bay landfill lawsuit set for court, The Bronx Times”

  1. avatar Goldshield says:

    It’s about time I live in Staten Island one block away from the Brookfield Landfill and we have the same problems here as the people who live near the Pelham Bay landfill. I like Patricia Nonnon suffered a loss in our family my son was diagnosed with ALL in 1990 and died from it.

    He blamed the landfill for his illness and initiated a lawsuit before he died. I’m a retired NYPD detective and I can state with certainty that their is enough physical and circumstantial evidence linking the city of New York and numerous city and state agencies to gross negligence in protecting the people, in fact the DEP was cited as one of the worst polluters in the state on numerous occasions.

    The City government is nothing but a self serving entity looking out for it’s own interest first above the welfare of its own citizens. When I was interviewed by the city lawyer years ago he kept searching for an alternate reason for my son illness asking if we lived near any dry cleaning plants or auto body shops that might be the cause of his exposure to harmful chemicals. I asked him one question, whose is responsible for regulating the auto body shops and the dry cleaners to insure that their is no exposure to harmful chemicals, is it the citizens or the EPA and DEP that is suppose to regulate and license them. He realized then that individuals like us have no power to protect ourselves fro harmful chemicals it was the job of the government to insure we are not exposed to any harmful chemicals.

    I look forward to attending the trial in the Bronx to see how the city is going to defend itself from liability.


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