Featured Stories
The Future of Gifted Education in the Bronx Bronx acupuncture center for addiction fighting to survive How HIV outreach is tackling an “invisible crisis” in The Bronx Prescriptions lag as Bronx battles opioid epidemic

The Future of Gifted Education in the Bronx

A recommendation that Mayor Bill de Blasio phase out all New York City gifted programs has left the fate of gifted education in the Bronx uncertain. If implemented, the programs, which are comprised predominantly of black and Latino students, would come to an end.

Bronx acupuncture center for addiction fighting to survive

The Mott Haven Lincoln Recovery Center was once a popular therapeutic refuge for drug addicts, but where have the patients gone?

How HIV outreach is tackling an “invisible crisis” in The Bronx

While New York celebrates declining HIV rates, healthcare advocates in the Bronx narrow their focus to where services aren’t reaching people.

Prescriptions lag as Bronx battles opioid epidemic

Prescriptions of life-saving buprenorphine lag in the Bronx. A legacy of bureaucracy and stigma are to blame.

Part of the collected guns at the Bronx gun buyback event on Saturday Sept. 20th

Bronx residents go to church to surrender weapons to police

21 September 2014

The number of shootings in the Bronx have increased by 19 percent since last January, while overall crime is down 3 percent. Police held buybacks this weekend to try to remove guns from the streets.

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Bronx celebrates cinematic masterpieces at inaugural film festival

18 September 2014

Yes the Bronx Film Festival hopes to showcase the borough's renaissance and thriving possibility for Hollywood filming locations.

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Healthcare startups still struggling while the industry booms

18 September 2014

Between 2009 and 2013, the health care industry in the Bronx added nearly 5,000 new jobs in private hospitals, clinics, and other agencies. The growth has not benefited entrepreneurs equally.

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Posted in Featured, Health, Southern Bronx0 Comments

Fight against the stigma of AIDS marches on in Hunts Point

16 September 2014

A small yet vocal group took to the streets of Hunts Point on the morning of Sept. 13 to speak out against the continuing stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS in the South Bronx

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Posted in Bronx Beats, Bronx Life, Featured, Health, Southern Bronx0 Comments

Soundview’s booming juice bar market attracts customers, and some concerns

15 September 2014

Juice bars are booming in Soundview even as some medical experts raise concerns about their hidden dangers for diabetics

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Posted in Bronx Life, Bronx Neighborhoods, Culture, East Bronx, Food0 Comments

A memorial to Zulisker Redvetoski went up in front of 2414 Beaumont Ave. (ALICE GUILHAMON/ The Bronx Ink)

Belmont neighborhood shaken by killing of 22-year-old man

12 September 2014

The murder of a 22-year-old man in the Belmont area brings out longstanding concern about gang shootings in the neighborhood.

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Posted in Bronx Neighborhoods, Crime, Featured0 Comments

“Know your rights” mural unveiled in Mott Haven

08 September 2014

The new "Know Your Rights" mural in Mott Haven was inspired by the community's growing frustration with police violence.

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Posted in Bronx Neighborhoods, Culture, Featured0 Comments

With Few Watching, Assembly Race Nears Finish Line

07 September 2014

Severe political disengagement in this district has allowed an intriguing race for state office to be met largely with shrugs.

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Posted in Featured, Morrisania, Morrisania, Politics0 Comments

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