Featured Stories
The Future of Gifted Education in the Bronx Bronx acupuncture center for addiction fighting to survive How HIV outreach is tackling an “invisible crisis” in The Bronx Prescriptions lag as Bronx battles opioid epidemic

The Future of Gifted Education in the Bronx

A recommendation that Mayor Bill de Blasio phase out all New York City gifted programs has left the fate of gifted education in the Bronx uncertain. If implemented, the programs, which are comprised predominantly of black and Latino students, would come to an end.

Bronx acupuncture center for addiction fighting to survive

The Mott Haven Lincoln Recovery Center was once a popular therapeutic refuge for drug addicts, but where have the patients gone?

How HIV outreach is tackling an “invisible crisis” in The Bronx

While New York celebrates declining HIV rates, healthcare advocates in the Bronx narrow their focus to where services aren’t reaching people.

Prescriptions lag as Bronx battles opioid epidemic

Prescriptions of life-saving buprenorphine lag in the Bronx. A legacy of bureaucracy and stigma are to blame.

Before, During and After: Bronxites React to Hurricane Sandy

31 October 2012

Bronx residents uploaded pictures, videos and personal reactions to Hurricane Sandy on social media.

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Posted in Bronx Life, Bronx Neighborhoods, Featured, Housing, Multimedia, Transportation0 Comments

Hurricane Sandy Leaves Behind Fallen Trees, Power Outages Along South Coast of Bronx

30 October 2012

Falling trees and power outages posed the biggest threats to residents who weren't living in high-risk flood zones as Hurricane Sandy ripped through the Bronx.

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Posted in Bronx Neighborhoods, Featured, Southern Bronx0 Comments

Sandy Batters Eastern Coast of the Bronx

30 October 2012

Hurricane Sandy hit the Southeast shores of the Bronx Monday evening causing extensive damage across residential areas.

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Posted in Bronx Neighborhoods, East Bronx, Multimedia, Slideshows, Southern Bronx0 Comments

After Sandy, Hunts Point’s Low Lying Areas Struggle with Flooding

30 October 2012

Sandy struck hard in the East Bronx, home of the region's largest food distribution market.

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Sandy Bears Down on the Battered Bronx

29 October 2012

About two-thirds of the Bronx is categorized as Zone B, meaning residents can expect a moderate possibility of evacuation.

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Legal Aid Claims Police are Still Making Illegal Marijuana Arrests

28 October 2012

The New York City Police Department is expected to head to court soon over what Legal Aid charges are illegal arrest practices for marijuana possession.

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Posted in Bronx Neighborhoods, Crime, Multimedia, Sizing up Stop and Frisk0 Comments

Will New WIC Rules Mean Healthier Bronx Kids?

28 October 2012

WIC was first created to provide emergency milk and cheese to hungry children of low-income Americans. It now provides expert nutritional advice and vouchers for fresh produce. Is it working?

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Posted in Bronx Life, Featured, Food, Health0 Comments

West African Patients Lost in Translation

27 October 2012

Before the Diaspora Clinic opened, health workers at the Martin Luther King Hospital found that many patients who speak minority languages ended up in emergency rooms.

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Posted in Bronx Life, Featured, Health, Southern Bronx2 Comments

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